通过提供系统的专业服务和这些年所建立的广泛而可靠的网络资源,公司已经发展成为中国少数的、提供综合型服务公司之一,包括战略分析和市场进入、投资财务咨询、采购和供应链的建立和评估、人事和行政咨询、会计服务等。吉萨的服务对象不仅涵盖有意于评估、建立和扩展其在中国业务的海外客户,同时也包括有志于海外发展或者缺乏企业项目发展基金的中国优秀企业。吉萨一向致力于集合市场因素和客户的需求来创造长期价值。JESA is today one of the few companies in China which is able to offer an integrated range of services, including strategy analysis, market entry, investment financing consulting, outsourcing and supply chain establishment and evaluation, HR administration consulting and accounting service, etc. JESA helps clients that are interested in evaluating, establishing or increasing their activity in China, as well as the Chinese enterprise which are interested in overseas market or lack of development funds. JESA’s main focus lies on matching our clients needs with market evolutions, whilst creating long-term value.